
Contact us

  • Schrurs
  • Oostkaai 46
  • B-8900 Ypres
  • T +32 57 215 945
  • F +32 57 215 946
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We bring colour to your innovation or imagination

We bring colour to your innovation or imagination!

Innovation is essential for the textile industry: new raw materials, new colours and effects are the basic ingredients of the future. At the same time, modern products and innovative technologies are the keys to the success of textile products.

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Green up your textiles!

Green up your textiles

Ecological and toxicological concerns are becoming increasingly important to customers. That is why we work with re-usable energy and heat recovery so that we are part of the growth towards a healthier world.

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Oostkaai 46 - B-8900 Ypres - T +32 57 215 945 - F +32 57 215 946 -